Mold II photos - part 2

Hello again

This morning I popped out for a couple of hours to meet with Caroline - just a quick cup of coffee & a natter.  Very relaxing.

Right - here I am then with the photos of the project at last night's meeting - the Tea-light gift card.

Now this one was going places until the maker made a slight error, & she told me to put it on the blog to show what you shouldn't do.  I said I would say it was because she didn't listen to teacher.
But actually that is not true - it was just unfortunate.  
She is going to make another one & bring it back next month.

This is a very delicate design & beautifully put together.  Although it is a delicate design I have to confess to a slightly fuzzy photo - sorry.

I just love that teddy - what a lovely bright card

Another delicate design - that butterfly really sets it off.

Nice & fresh & spring like - we need that at the moment.

Now, what else would you put on a card with tea-lights in it - Teapot & tea cup of course!
Absolutely delightful.

The maker of this card had seen my piece on the blog from Joanna of Mold club describing how she had put some mulberry paper decoration on her tea-lights.  So Betty came prepared with tea-lights with pretty tops.  
It really does tie it altogether so nicely.

Tonight is the April meeting of CSNW - so there should be more photos tomorrow.  More then.

Have a nice evening.


  1. I'm chuffed that Betty liked my idea enough to do the same herself - I can't claim any credit really though as I've seen it elsewhere in the past :) There are some lovely examples of the tea-light card here.


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