just chatting

Hi everyone

Well - I think the less said about the weather the better - don't you?

A bitty day today for me - I had something to do first thing this morning, then it was back home until I needed to go down to the garden centre for a workshop.  Once again - it was - crochet.  Still it is a very nice small group & everyone is doing really well.

In the gap before going down for the workshop I prepared 3 small canvases with Gesso ( to make sure - seeing as they were very cheap - that the canvas has been treated). So now they are ready for painting & the adding of the little Christmas decorations.  But that won't happen until Friday - as tomorrow is another busy day.

In the morning (well lunch time) I have my regular monthly lunch & then in the evening it is time for the final 2013 meeting of the Mold club.

Reminder to self - don't forget the mince-pies & drink.


Reminder to Mold ladies - don't forget your lucky dip Christmas card.  If you don't put one in - you don't pull one out.

See the Mold ladies tomorrow night - more tomorrow - with photos.
Night night


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