members showcase

Good evening everyone I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

I have been busy over the last few days making samples for the club workshop - which CSNW will be the first club to have it - & checking accompanying notes.  I have got mucky which as you know is unusual for me - but it has been really enjoyable, especially seeing how well (or not) the samples turn out & whether the project goes forward to the workshop.  Such fun.

So I don't have anything of mine to show you just yet - but I have a member showcase for you.  This time it is another baby card from Betty of Mold II

Isn't it adorable.  Well done Betty.

Years ago before I moved here, my friend Veronica & I used to make cards to sell for charity & this was one of things we used to do.  It never tires - there is always someone who has never seen it.  I used to do little bootees too.  I did crochet a pair once on an exceedingly small hook - you could just about see the hook - but it was hard work & took too long.

Tomorrow is May club night for Mold II club - so I will see you ladies there.

'Bye for now.


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