just chatting

Good afternoon ladies

Today I have had a good "me time" session.  Although it wasn't all just for me, but it was.  Confused?  So am I.

I have been making up some new samples for the WI talk I will be giving in just over a week. so that I will have more of my own work to show them.  It's funny but once you start looking around the craft room - mind you - that should say "when I started looking around my craft room" - it was actually quite surprising how much of my own work I had that I could take with me.

Once I needed a break from that I sat & sorted notes for making a folded, box-style, card frame.  One of my workshop rubber stamping ladies wants to keep a card she was sent & wants to frame it in this way.  After trying it herself & failing she asked me to write her some instructions.  So that is all done now. But before I give them to her - I need to make one up. So that will be a task in the next couple of days.

I am not sure what Bob & I are doing over the bank holiday - but I think crafting might have to take a back seat for those days.

Have a lovely time with whatever you will be doing.

'Bye for now.


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