Mold II photos - Serious omission

Hello again everyone.

Update ............... this post should have been posted on Sunday.  I don't know why it didn't post, it went onto my work area as a Draft.  So as I came to write a post for today there it was still waiting. I do hate computers at times when they seem to make up their own mind as to what they will or won't do.

I have come back to correct an omission from my earlier post with the part 2 photos from the Mold II meeting on Tuesday.  I wrote the blog first thing & was being picked up a little later to visit a friend. So with my mind on time I missed something out.

Carolyn please accept my apologies for not saying thank you to you for taking & sending the photos but more importantly to thank you for all your help this year with the club meetings.

Thanks are also due to other ladies who took some of the projects on some of the evenings as well - Dot, Rita, Annette, Madeline.  I don't think I have forgotten anyone.

When Carolyn sent me the evenings photos she also sent the following message which she wanted me to put here ---

" ....... I was so surprised when Carol presented me with the beautiful peace lily!
 When you put the photos on the blog please can you please say thank you again from me. I really didn’t feel that I’d done anything to deserve it! "

I think everyone in the club would disagree with your final sentence Carolyn. You gave them some lovely projects throughout the year which they obviously enjoyed.  So yes, you did deserve it.

'Bye for now.


  1. Carolyn you inspired us with some good ideas for cards during the year.


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