A cautionary tale?
Good evening ladiesDon't worry I am not going all classical story telling.
But before that I just want to make a quick reference back to the last blog & leaving comments. For that blog I used Betty's email to show that I can take the content of the email & turn it into a comment. If you use that method I will cut & paste the comment from your email into the comment box at the end of the blog. Once posted it will look like it came from me but I will make sure that the persons name appears at the beginning. If the email needs a reply from me - that will not appear in the comment box. Just your comments.
Back to my blog title - it is related to my card-making experiences this morning. I was making two samples for PBC for a future workshop - they were hidden message cards. The first one was the card that has central panels which have a secret way to open them to reveal the message. The panels are woven through slits in the base card. The second card was a little card with a pull up front tab to reveal the message. The biggest problem was with the first card - the first sheet of card I chose would not not cut neatly & it wasn't my craft knife blade. After that the cutting went well & I checked that the panels that are woven through fitted well. I then added all the decoration. Here comes the cautionary bit - I have made this card so many times but not for a while. After decorating I put it all together again & decided to glue the panels to stop them sliding out or being pulled out. Mistake 1 - I glued in the wrong place on one panel - I didn't test the opening & closing first. When that was sorted I took another look around the design & found I had placed embellishments on sections that wouldn't be seen - so removed them. Satisfied I had everything right I then decorated the fronts with butterfly peel offs. The second card only had little hiccups - but after the other one it was getting very frustrating. I didn't have decorative card so I adhered decorative paper to the card. When the adhesive was dry I did the necessary cutting & scoring. Surprisingly the cutting went perfect - it was the folding after the scoring - the paper creased a bit. Having finished the cards I put them down to be photographed. Here is the final fault - with the first card I photographed the fronts, opened the card & the inside was upside down. That fortunately was easily rectified as having decorated the front with the butterfly peel offs they just had to be carefully removed & turned around the other way.
After all that I am still quite pleased with the end result. Lesson learnt? Before making a card especially one with a few tricky bits in it. Sit & think it through for a few minutes before starting. The photos will be in tomorrows blog.
I didn't blog yesterday as it was a very domestic day with some very late spring cleaning being done. Then later in the day I did some work on the final months of your club programmes. I still have a couple of Show & Tells to find but the projects are decided. Talking of projects I also discovered something I wanted to do - so have made it my 2011 project. I am not telling you anything about it but you will see the results at the first meeting of 2012. Still talking about projects I had better find something for all of you for 2012.
I hope you had a great weekend & if you were card making I hope everything went smoothly for you.
Phew! that's a long blog - more tomorrow. Night night
But before that I just want to make a quick reference back to the last blog & leaving comments. For that blog I used Betty's email to show that I can take the content of the email & turn it into a comment. If you use that method I will cut & paste the comment from your email into the comment box at the end of the blog. Once posted it will look like it came from me but I will make sure that the persons name appears at the beginning. If the email needs a reply from me - that will not appear in the comment box. Just your comments.
Back to my blog title - it is related to my card-making experiences this morning. I was making two samples for PBC for a future workshop - they were hidden message cards. The first one was the card that has central panels which have a secret way to open them to reveal the message. The panels are woven through slits in the base card. The second card was a little card with a pull up front tab to reveal the message. The biggest problem was with the first card - the first sheet of card I chose would not not cut neatly & it wasn't my craft knife blade. After that the cutting went well & I checked that the panels that are woven through fitted well. I then added all the decoration. Here comes the cautionary bit - I have made this card so many times but not for a while. After decorating I put it all together again & decided to glue the panels to stop them sliding out or being pulled out. Mistake 1 - I glued in the wrong place on one panel - I didn't test the opening & closing first. When that was sorted I took another look around the design & found I had placed embellishments on sections that wouldn't be seen - so removed them. Satisfied I had everything right I then decorated the fronts with butterfly peel offs. The second card only had little hiccups - but after the other one it was getting very frustrating. I didn't have decorative card so I adhered decorative paper to the card. When the adhesive was dry I did the necessary cutting & scoring. Surprisingly the cutting went perfect - it was the folding after the scoring - the paper creased a bit. Having finished the cards I put them down to be photographed. Here is the final fault - with the first card I photographed the fronts, opened the card & the inside was upside down. That fortunately was easily rectified as having decorated the front with the butterfly peel offs they just had to be carefully removed & turned around the other way.
After all that I am still quite pleased with the end result. Lesson learnt? Before making a card especially one with a few tricky bits in it. Sit & think it through for a few minutes before starting. The photos will be in tomorrows blog.
I didn't blog yesterday as it was a very domestic day with some very late spring cleaning being done. Then later in the day I did some work on the final months of your club programmes. I still have a couple of Show & Tells to find but the projects are decided. Talking of projects I also discovered something I wanted to do - so have made it my 2011 project. I am not telling you anything about it but you will see the results at the first meeting of 2012. Still talking about projects I had better find something for all of you for 2012.
I hope you had a great weekend & if you were card making I hope everything went smoothly for you.
Phew! that's a long blog - more tomorrow. Night night
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