just chatting

Hello ladies - my it has turned cold hasn't it?
The weather people are talking of snow!  I just need it to stay away until after CSNW have had their meeting on Wednesday evening.  Truthfully I would rather it stayed away completely.

Today has been a bit of another sort out day.  I had a huge pile of magazines by the side of my chair in the lounge - so I went through them sorting some to keep for a while & then the others are going over to my neighbour as she would like to see them for some inspiration.  I still have a couple of the latest issues that I have subscriptions for, still in their plastic envelope, not opened yet.  They will be nice to read through when all the card making has stopped.  Well paused would be a better description.

Also during the day I turned a couple of my flower photos into cards for some birthday cards I will be making.  Decided on how I am going to make Christmas cards for Gareth, & for Russ & Nadine & I think I have now settled on what I will be doing for Bob's Christmas card.  S! a decision day ra\ther than a creative day.  That will change tomorrow.

I don't really have anything else to chat about - so that is me for today.  More tomorrow.

Night night.


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