more Christmas cards

Good evening ladies

Before I show you these Christmas cards I must make another apology about "typo errors".  You may remember a little while ago I had a problem with my computer & updated to Bob's computer as he had bought himself a new one. Well, it is since using this computer that I have been having these problems. I am not saying the computer is faulty - but I find the keyboard strange in some way & can't quite work out what way. As I type, letters are missed & there is no rhyme or reason to it. Once I have finished typing my post I do run it through a spell check option but of course some words do not get picked up as wrong.  So, unless I re-read it after the spell check I don't spot the errors. I will try & sop this happening.  Having said that - look - I typed "stop" & it put "sop". What did it do with my t? I definitely typed one.

Anyway onto Christmas cards.  The ones I am going to show you today are more or less all the same, that is, they have subtle differences.

This was the card I made as a sample to show the one-layer technique to the ladies of my rubber stamping workshop group.  If you look very carefully you can see a slight coloured line just below the fold of the card at the top.  This was because I didn't put a wide enough piece of masking tape & brushed some of the colour off the edge.  So ............

...................... when making my cards to give out I trimmed the panel off the card layered it onto a piece of black card & then placed it onto a new base card.

Bob liked this one-layer design so I made his 15 cards using it.  This shows the whole set of cards &

this is a close up of one of them.  The difference on this set to the previous ones was that I removed the top line of masking tape & stamped the trees so that the tallest ones went over the strip onto the white card.

On this one I stamped Santa more to the right-hand side & put more of the trees onto the other side.

On this one I added some embossed card for a more textured finish.

So, I think this design has been well used his year.

Right time for my bed I think.  More tomorrow. 'Bye for now - night night.


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