Mold 2013 Project photos - Rhiannon
Hello ladies Here - as promised are the start of the Mold 2013 project photos - where the challenge was an ATC for each month with theme of own choice plus basically one per month - so 12 ATC's. I left the choice to the ladies of Mold to decide whether to make 3 of each - so that if possible I could have one for the club folder & they could also swap one. Today it is the photos of Rhiannon's project & her theme was Book Titles & as well as giving the name of the book on the back of the ATC Rhiannon gave the author.; This is how the ATC's were presented and this is the inside of the book. January Tan ar y comin which if I have read Rhiannon's writing correctly translates as Fire on the Common I did a Google translation & that came up as "Until the Common" perhaps you would get back to me Rhiannon & say which is right. February The Davinci Code March Alice in Wonderland April Charlott