csnw photos - but hijacked at the last moment

Good afternoon everyone.  I hope you are having a good weekend.

Before I show you the photos from the CSNW meeting on Wednesday (6th) I thought I would give you a quick update on my health. Last weekend I started getting some nasty pains in my back, mainly on the left side.  Through the weekend it got quite unbearable, brought me to tears in fact.  I could only sleep if I stayed in my recliner chair in the lounge.  So, as it was no better on the Monday morning Bob phoned the Cancer centre, explained the situation & they sent an ambulance to take me into the centre. After lots more tests & checks it was decided I had a urine infection,.  So more antibiotics & I could go home.  There had been a chance they would do an MRI & keep me in - but no.  As Bob had also ridden in the ambulance to the hospital we needed a lift home.  Gareth to the rescue.  He came to the hospital, picked us up & brought us home.  Thank you Gareth it was very much appreciated especially as it was quite late in the evening.

I mentioned in an earlier post that I had a CT scan booked - for Tuesday (12th).  So in the morning off we popped. CT department couldn't find me.  Then the receptionist looked closer & - yes you have probably guessed it.  Wrong day.  It was for the 12th - BUT - of March.  My excuse?  I am so full of different pills it didn't register it was for next month, as I had received the notice early February.  Either that or the brain is finally going.

I am starting to feel slightly brighter, the pain in my back has gone, but I am very tired.  I don't have much of an interest in crafting at the moment which is frustrating.  I get a moment when I feel I should do something but can't just summon that last bit of interest & energy to do so.  Hope it won't last much longer.

Still! onwards & upwards as they say.

Now that I look back through this I don't think I will add the photos - I will put them in the next post immediately after this one.

Be back in a moment.


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