member showcase

Good afternoon everyone.

How many of you buy the many paper craft & stamping magazines that are in the shops?  How many of you enter those free prize draws they all feature?

I do from time to time when ever there is something that appeals to me, & in the past I have won a couple of things.

If you don't or haven't ever tried it, do have a go, you could be in for a surprise.  After all they are there for the taking - someone has to win them.

Someone who takes that chance fairly now & again is Rita of Mold II club & she sent me an email with photos of one such sort of prize which she has recently won.

Rita has won these two sets of dies.

This photo show you the photos on the other side of the packaging.

Enjoy your prize Rita.

Now where did I put the latest issue of that magazine... there was something I fancied in it.  😀

That's me - 'bye for now.


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