just chatting

Good evening everyone & what a lovely day & beautiful evening we have had.

This evening saw the July meeting for the CSNW group & tomorrow I will have photos to show you of their show & tell cards, & the project for the evening.

This morning I managed to get a Doctors appointment to see what he could do for this added problem I now have with my throat.  He has put me on strong antibiotics & given me some linctus for my throat.  Problem is I cannot drive - they don't recommend it as they could make me drowsy - plus it is in the evening that I get some of my worst coughing sessions, so doing that whilst driving could cause a problem.  So Bob took me & sat in the corner reading his ebook.

Right, that was all I popped in to say - I will sort the photos in the morning & put them up for you to see.

Night night.


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