My paper-craft show prize

Hello everyone I hope you are all well.

I mentioned the other day that I had won one of the raffle prizes in the paper-craft show on Saturday. Joanna of Mold club picked it up for me & also, bless her, took photos - so I thought you might like to see what I won. I won't actually get it until a week Thursday;

beads, rub-ons & paper


flowers - lots of

buttons, ribbon & cards

card packs

card, frame, decoupage

more card packs

crafty bits

glitter & magnet

mixed bag


stamp & stencil

mask & die

All of it - everything.

It has got to be the best £1-00 I have ever spent.

I may be back again later today - as I have a member showcase for you.

Just before I close - I don't know if beautiful is a word you can use to describe a funeral.  But it is the only one I can think of it - apart from the word moving.  Which it very much was.  It was so different to any I have been to before.  The service was taken by a young lady who is a "civil minister".  She presides over services that have no religious theme (although it did include the Lords Prayer!), she told us of Ann's life, of fun things about Ann - it really was beautiful. Still brought tears & a lump to the throat.  Ann's coffin was a wicker one dressed with just a few flowers - & now that I have seen it - this is what I want to have when the time comes, along with a "civil minister".

'Bye for now.


  1. I do think that some funerals *can* be beautiful, especially if the 'minister' actually knows the deceased rather than just reads some written words. We attended one with a 'cardboard' coffin which we all pushed uphill along a windy (as in twisting, not blowy!) path to the chosen plot overlooking the Mersey. We sang a little and listened to some lovely words and it was....beautiful.

  2. Hi what a lovely lot of stuff does this mean you will have to have an extension on your craft room

  3. Congratulations Gloria
    Clare xx


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