Mold II photos - part 2

Good morning everyone - well well here it is again that soft fluffy white stuff that descends on us every so often.  It's already quite thick out there.  I popped down to Asda for some bits & pieces & got back just as it all started.

So today I have the second set of photos from Mold II's meeting on Tuesday.  There will be 3 sets in all & this set is of Rita's demonstration, as the project for the evening was - "this is how you use a Gelli plate".

Here is Rita in the second half of her demonstration.  Rita did this in 2 parts - the first being using the Gelli plate with acrylic paints.  In this demo Rita is showing us with inks.  I think this was the section that really won everyone over.
Rita is being carefully watched by Elma, who with her comments & questions turned the demo into quite an interesting comedy duo - we did enjoy it girls.

The next few photos are of samples that Rita brought in with her & you will see that masks & stencils have been used with the paints as well as including stamping.  The first photo is a completed card & the other photos are of papers that Rita has made.

I love this little handbag card that has been created from a painted piece of card.

The next photos are samples of using the Gelli plate with inks.  As you can see silhouette stamps are just made for this technique.

As you can see there has been layering of stamps & using of masks which gives the images depth. There are lots more ideas & techniques that can be done with the Gelli plates - it will be interesting to see who buys one & the ideas we get to see.

I had an email last night from Amazon to say mine should be delivered today - hope the snow doesn't hold that up.

That's me for now ladies - I will be back later with part 3 - which is photos of the ladies trying out the Gelli plates.


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