catching up

Hello everyone
Time for a catch up blog.

Well, today we learnt that monies have been transferred & that completion should be Tuesday - which is what we hoped seeing as the removal company are packing on Monday & moving us on Tuesday.  I have to admit I have been worried as to whether the date would be met & had visions of us sleeping overnight in the removal van.  I have been waking up at night thinking will it work? Am I prepared?  Hopefully tonight a good sleep

Last night I visited Carmel WI & talked about rubber stamping.  My neighbour came with me - as my glamorous assistant.  She used to come out with me years ago when I did these talks regularly we used to have great fun.  I, or I should say we, were very graciously received & there seemed to be a lot of interest & quite a few ladies who already stamped & had even visited Port Sunlight.  They are thinking of asking me back to run a workshop some time in the future.

Now ladies, did I take my camera?  No!  because why take photos of me.  But when we came out of the centre there was the most amazing sunset which we watched progress through the rear window of the car as we drove home.  MORAL never leave your camera at home - I did have my phone but I haven't got to grips with the camera element on it & there weren't any parking areas on the A55 to stop in.

Next I have to apologise to any club members who have birthdays over this next week, & indeed over the last couple of days - because my craft room is just not open I am behind in card making.  I try to make cards for the birthday rather than build a collection.  Can I just say that your birthdays have not been forgotten they are lacking a card from me.  I am so sorry.

I have put birthday greetings on the blog for you but they are not from me personally.

My next craft day is on Wednesday 19th when I have a workshop for a crochet group, the day after we move.  Just hope I have remembered to keep everything separate, & now where to find it amongst the removal stuff,  & also, then on Thursday 20th it will be time for the Mold meeting.

I have, as I think I mentioned before - sorted the programme for the clubs for quite a few months.  I will try a get some of the info on the blog before I move - but certainly as soon as possible afterwards.

I am sorry if my moving is a bit disruptive to everything but I am trying to keep it to a minimum

Have a really good weekend & take care.


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