just chattingjust chatting

Good evening everyone

Gosh it has been 2 days since I last wrote anything - sorry.  But it will get a bit fragmented for a while.  We have heard that signing on the properties should take place around Wednesday this week with exchange on Tuesday 18th.

We had a good clear out today of kitchen cupboards - so many things that hadn't seen daylight in years.  Dishes that were too big to cook in for just the 2 of us etc.

But after that I sat for a while & sorted your club programme to the end of the year.  They are not all set in stone - but at least I have a plan to follow & if other things crop up or someone offers to take a session they can be adjusted.  So I feel happier about that.

Tomorrow some other cupboards to be stripped of their contents - we are almost there - well downstairs anyway.  Some furniture & items that we don't need are being picked up this Wednesday to go to a charity - so that will be another step covered.

I don't have any workshops next week  (I had better check that just in case knowing my head at the moment) but I am giving a talk to a WI on Thursday evening - so tomorrow I will be checking my box & bag to see if I have everything ready for that, & have the different demonstrations sorted.

This weather is wonderful isn't it?  Hope you are managing to enjoy it to the full.  Have a great weekend & take care.


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