Sharing a bad experience ..........

............ & it's outcome

Good morning ladies I am currently waiting the arrival of my brother for a brief visit - but have just learnt that the Isle of Man is fog bound & all flights delayed.  He was supposed to arrive at 11:30 am but hasn't left the IOM yet.  Very frustrating.

Anyway back to the reason for this post.  Just recently I had an email from Dot, of  Mold II club, about some trouble she was having with a purchase that had not arrived.  Rather than repeat Dot's words & perhaps miss something - I am copying her email here.

I just thought I would let you know that I ordered a stamp platform with carrying case from Once Upon a Stamp 21 days ago and paid £31.49 via PayPal. Well the parcel hasn't shown up and I've phoned this Gordon Fraser 3 times and all I get is the impression that he's not interested.  He told me that I had to contact the sorting office and the local post office to check with them and said I had to fill in a form to chase it up myself. Well I took myself off to Flint to the sorting office and they checked their records and said it hadn't been received by them and then I went into my local post office and they said I couldn't start a delivery dispute as it had to be done by this Gordon Fraser.  I phoned him today and he was quite rude to me when I asked for my money back.  He said it wasn't his fault that I'd not received it and I had to sort it out myself with the post office.  Then Keith tried to speak to him and Gordon put the phone down on him. Keith then phoned him back 15 mins later and he told us that he couldn't speak then as he had a big delivery at his door to sort out....we are still waiting for his call.
I got in touch with PayPal and they are opening up a dispute on my behalf. I just thought I would let you know so you can be wary of him and let others know how he treats his customers. I will keep you posted of what transpires but I will not be visiting his stall at Hulme Hall in future."

Then a couple of days ago I received another email from Dot --

"I thought I'd let you know what has been happening with my hassle with Gordon Fraser. I have phoned him 3 times as you know and got nowhere with him so I contacted PayPal and they opened up a case against him.  I wrote to the lady who runs the Hulme Hall festival and informed her of his after sales service and then I wrote to Gordon (as advised by the Consumer Act 2015) outlining that I wanted a complete refund and that he was the one who had to chase the Royal Mail up and not myself, and then I went and enclosed a copy of the letter I had sent to the lady who runs Hulme Hall. I bet that will have spoilt his day somewhat!!  I posted these two letters off on Sunday afternoon and today I have had an email from PayPal to say that Gordon has refunded my payment !!!  And I should think so too.  
I still won't buy anything from him ever again and I will let all and sundry know about his complete lack of interest in clearing the matter up quickly - I had ordered this for my daughter's birthday which is on the 21st so now I will have to give her the cash and she will have to buy it herself - not what I really wanted. She will choose a different model from his I'm sure. I understand that the one that Crafts Too do is better than his. I've got the Tim Holtz one but Ceri wanted a smaller version than that hence I ordered this one from Gordon."

What a to-do, poor Dot.  Before replying to her last email I checked suppliers of the platform on the Internet & found that the Range do have it on-line, but not sure about in store.  So I sent this info to Dot & she is going to look into it, as she would much prefer to give her daughter the present rather than the cash.

I seem to remember quite a while back there someone else who had a problem with this Company & one of their products & had to resort to the same sort of attack.

The main reason I put this all here is because it shows the correct way to go about dealing with a problem like this & that the Vendor is the party that has to follow these instances up not the Buyer.  So just remember - should you ever find yourself in the same situation.

OK that is me for today.  Going to talk to Bob to see what the situation with my brothers flight is now.



  1. Hi, There is now a smaller version of the Tim Holtz one 😉 ( says the Tim Holtz groupie in the corner!!)


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