2015 project for all 3 clubs

Good evening everyone - what a wet damp night.

I have been giving this years club project some thought & some things have come to mind & I also have had a personal thought about it.

On deciding to do this project we didn't discuss embellishments.

Now as you don't know what each others folder or book is going to look like, or the shape or style it will take, it will be difficult to judge just how much 3-d type embellishment you can put on these tags.

So my thoughts are - when you make your folder or book make allowances for the fact that someone might put larger embellishments on their tags.  Then on the other side of that thought, when making your tags, which will be given out to others to put in their folders or books - don't put too much embellishment on.

Basically by too much - I mean not to high (or thick!).  The folder or book needs to close.  So please bear this in mine.

I will add a similar comment to each club page just to make sure the message gets out there, & will mention at the next set of club nights.

The other thought I had was, after quite a bit of thought I might add, that this year ............................. I will take part.  This means that I will be making about 40 tags, as I will participate within each club. So, when you all know how many tags you have to make for your club, add one more ....... for me. This means that I get to keep something from one of our projects as I will have a tag from everyone within the 3 clubs & one (or three) of my own.

I have not decided what my topic will be.  Whether it will be the same across all 3 clubs, or different for each club - that is something I have to think about, can I manage about 40 tags on the same theme. I probably won't let you know what my theme is - it might just be random, so that each one is different.  I know that is slightly different to the project I have given you, but I have more to make & it was my idea anyway.  :)  lol

So! there it is - I have made my decision & announced it out loud.  No going back.  I just love making tags - they are just little works of art.

Talking of art - you know by what I write that I have been getting into the area of art work.  The canvases that I create & the painting one I did (the paint dripping - that didn't quite work?).  Well, I keep seeing all these great Art Journals - so I thought I would join their ranks.  Some of them do make me wonder what they were on when they created them, but others just seem to be records of some art work that someone tried.  That is what mine will be. I have bought the book & I have my first piece of art work to go in it.  That piece is the dragonfly, the drip painting one that didn't quite work. But I am looking at adding something to it to make it fit the subject of art journal.  So!, basically watch this space.

Why have I found these interesting topics so late in life!  I want to learn to do them all.

That's me - it was supposed to be quite a quick post - but now it looks like a book.
Night night.


  1. Nice to know you're joining-in ;) - what a lot you have to make though! I have noticed a lot of tags being 'shown' lately and some have big flowers etc. which stick out way past the edges of the tag - these would mean we'd need to allow more width as well as depth for storing them?

    1. You are right about larger items & I have said something along that line in this post - but think I will add tha information to each club page as well. Thank you for your comments, Jo


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