Hmmm! another missing day & CSNW Meeting

Hello ladies
Uhm! I seem to have lost a day again - who stole Tuesday?

So Tuesday - in the morning I had a really pleasant workshop down at PBC doing the embroidery on paper workshop. There was supposed to have been 3 ladies but one of them had a rather nasty cold & decided to give it a miss.  I don't normally run them for less than 3 - but couldn't very well send the ladies home.  Still it was a very pleasant workshop & they enjoyed the work.

Before the workshop started I spoke to Lesley about Friendly Plastic & doing a workshop with it.  The shop doesn't sell it but that evidently doesn't matter.  So we decided to try one in May. Then later in the morning whilst my ladies were having a coffee break, I was walking around the shop having a look to see what new things had come in & overheard 2 ladies talking about jewellery making & one mentioned Friendly Plastic.  Me being me I poked my nose into their conversation, apologising but I had overheard them talking about FP & told them about my discussion with Lesley. One of the ladies asked to put her name down straight away.  So it looks like that might take off.

Of course that then got me thinking about the heating of the FP.  A little while ago I had someone asking me about Melt Pots & I mentioned that I had one & had been thinking of selling it.  About 4 weeks ago I passed it to her to see if she would like to buy it - anyway she has returned it to me as her husband has bought her a new one.  (Mine had only been used once!).  But I wondered if I could use it for the water heating method for FP.  I don't think water in the main pan would be good - but I could possibly warm the water in a foil dish inside the main pan. I think I might give it a try as there are one or two techniques that are better in water than via the heat gun.  Will let you know how I get on.  If anyone knows whether it is possible or not - or even advisable or not - let me know.

Right, back to yesterday - in the afternoon I had a bit of pampering - having my nails done - you know how I like to keep them nice.

But I cannot think how I managed to go through the evening without blogging.

Anyway onto today.  Remember those 35 baskets?  I have now cut out the logo labels - using one of my Nestabilitie dies - they look good.  Then after some thought the decision was taken to make pillow boxes rather than baskets or boxes.  Well, I have a plastic template - or I should say - I have 3, different sizes - from Wendy Stenton.  Could I find them?  Of course not.  They must be in one of the big boxes I have packed up.  But whilst looking for something else I found a card template of one - I must have used it when doing a boxes & bags workshop.  It was just not quite big enough so I scanned it & enlarged it a little & bingo.  I copied the shape onto a piece of card & cut it out, folded & glued it & then checked that it was still the right size.  Bingo again.  So then I picked up the chosen card, printed off 35 & then cut them out.  Tells on the old fingers.  Tomorrow I will be scoring all the fold lines, shaping them & starting to glue them into shape.

Tonight was the April meeting for CSNW & it was quite a small gathering but we had an enjoyable evening making easel cards.  The show & tell was "In the style of Andy Warhol".  Of the small gathering only 4 had made the card.  I took photos but I am not going to put them on the blog until all of you have had your show & tell on Andy Warhol style.  Also the show &  tell with the "altered pegs" - I will photograph them but will not put them on the blog until everyone has had their show & tell session.  Seems fair.

Phew, that should make up for missing a day.

That's me - off to bed now.  Sleep well - talk again tomorrow.  Promise I won't miss it.


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