Preparing for club nights

Well! that's another weekend almost over & have you noticed how the evenings are slowly drawing out.  Spring is just around the corner I think - actually I mean I would like to think - but it possibly isn't so yet.

Good evening ladies - I almost forgot!

I have spent most of today getting the admin side of the clubs sorted - new membership lists, birthday lists - reorganising my own folder, tidying those club boxes & making sure they have everything in them.  Raffle books, box for raffle money, programmme slips, sketches & whatever else is needed for the next few meetings.  That has got me organised for a while now,  so I should stay on top of things.

Also tomorrow night is the AGM of  HSNW club.  We have been committee run for quite a few years now & tomorrow night is my final night as Chairman.  I am standing down & going to be an "ordinary" member.  It will seem very strange as I have been Chairman since the year we decided to have a committee.  But times move on & I have promised Bob I will take things a little easier this year.  Mind you I am also thinking of things to do - but I won't be quite so busy as before.

A couple of blogs ago I mentioned a card I was going to make & put on here as a tutorial - well I hope to get the card made tomorrow but not sure if I will get the tutorial written as well.  Although there are not many instructions to it so I should be able to. At the same time I mentioned that there was another idea I was going to write as a tutorial but couldn't remember what it was.  This morning I suddenly remembered but didn't write it down now I am not sure I can remember it again.  Isn't the brain marvellous?  Perhaps if I ask it nicely just as I go to sleep to help me out, it might come back to me.  You know, the same as banging your head 3 times on the pillow saying at the same time something you want to remember.  You've never done that!  Ah well - my Mum bless her did have some strange sayings & ideas.

I'm off to bed & a read of my next book on my Kindle.  Sleep well.

Talking of Kindles we had Gareth round for dinner tonight - & I cooked the dinner.  My first full roast dinner cooking since you know when.

Night night.


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