keep fit update

Hi ladies

Just got in from my fitness session & there was an improvement on my initial workout yesterday.

I spent 15 minutes on the treadmill machine & just about 3 minutes on the swingy walky machine (that's the one she told me to build up very slowly), then 10 minutes on the "Harley Davidson" bike.  This was all followed by 12 lengths of the pool.  There was a young man attendant on duty this morning & I asked how long the pool was.  He reckons about 8 - 9 metres.  So today I have done between 96 & 108 metres.  Not bad.  I hope to increase that by a minimum of 2 laps at least each day.  At the moment I will only be going Monday to Friday.  The whole thing was rounded off with 15 minutes in the Sauna & I came home looking like a lobster!

That's that - hope to be back later with thins to do with craft.


  1. Well done Gloria, keep it up!

    BTW, was that last line meant to be a pun? :D

    1. Oh how I wish I could say yes - but no it was a typo
      Well spotted Joanna


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